State-of-the-art group homes and vocational, educational, social, and spiritual programs for adults with intellectual disabilities set CHAI apart from the rest.
Lifelong Service and Support
Families in our community desire for their loved ones to live successful, independent, meaningful lives. This is where CHAI comes in. We provide accommodation in one of our group homes for adults with intellectual disabilities. We can also provide quality, hands-on services if they choose to remain at home. Community Homes for Adults, Inc. has made it its mission to acquire the financial and human capital needed to support and ensure success for those adults in our community with intellectual disabilities. We wrap our services and resources around them so our society focuses on their abilities and strengths.
Our Values Guide Us
Our values inspire us to provide respect and kindness to our residents and clients. Through a dedicated group of carefully selected staff members and trained volunteers with big hearts and a desire to guide and mentor, CHAI can provide a safe, loving environment, friendships that last a lifetime, and opportunities to engage with the community by celebrating the holidays, volunteering at events, participating in Special Olympics, acting in plays, and much, much more.
Who We Are
Residents in our homes and participants in our programs develop a sense of worth and self-esteem that may otherwise have not been realized. CHAI offers long-term living arrangements, which is truly unique among non-profit services. Unlike any other organization in the area, CHAI gives its clients options for everything they do, including choices of healthcare provider, social activities, educational classes, and workout programs. CHAI’s primary concern is for the client’s well being and maximizing his or her potential.
Our group homes, day habilitation services and life skills programs instill a capacity for independence and self-sufficiency among our adults with intellectual disabilities.
Community Resources
Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS)
Social Security Administration
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services
Richland College TRiO Services
Community for Permanent Supported Housing
Plano Parks and Recreation/Therapeutic Recreation
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