CHAI Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Under the leadership of CHAI's Board of Directors, our organization has enacted an ambitious strategic plan that provides a roadmap to achieving CHAI's goals.
Our mission has been simplified to "To enable adults with intellectual disabilities to live full, rich, safe lives while meaningfully participating in the community." We believe this new mission statement stands to show our commitment to the individuals and families that we serve.
Goals of the new plan include expanding existing services and kickstarting new programs to better serve our community's needs, all without sacrificing CHAI's high standard of care. Another priority of the plan is to attract and retain skilled staff members that are empowered to fulfill CHAI's mission in the long-term. CHAI also hopes to raise our profile by increasing advocacy efforts and becoming the local leader in intellectual disability services and expertise. Finally, we will expand fundraising efforts and explore revenue generating activities to ensure long-term financial stability.

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