CHAI works with many other service providers and state agencies to provide services to those in our community with intellectual disabilities. We receive funding from Home and Community-based Services (HCS), a Medicaid waiver option, Texas Home Living, Dallas Metrocare, and Department of Assisted and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). We also accept private pay for all eligible services.
Our Admissions Criteria
CHAI Specializes in serving adults (men and women) age 18 and over with intellectual disabilities. In order to participate in our Wolens Programs Services or Day Habilitation participants must live in Dallas or Collin County. Applicants should have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities, in the mild to severe range, and should be capable of exercising some self-care skills (dressing, bathing, toileting, etc.) In order to live in our group homes priority is given to those that live in the DFW Metroplex. If you live out of state, please contact our office at 214-373-8600 or send us an email.
CHAI contracts with specialized therapists such as speech, nursing, occupational, physical, behavioral, and dietary. The cost of services varies depending on program of choice. We accept Home and Community Based Services - a Medicaid waiver option (HCS), Texas Home Living, Dallas Metrocare, and Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and private pay.
In order to apply for services, please call
214-373-8600 or send us an email.
Our Ombudsman
Kathryn Curry is our Ombudsman or representative to the Health and Human Services Department for the State of Texas. Ms. Curry can be reached at 214.525.6199
An Ombudsman can help you:
Access IDD services, answer questions about programs and providers, field complaints about our assisted living program, and find a way to solve problems with your services.
Ombudsman can also help you understand your rights, including:
- Exercising the same rights as other Texans.
- Participating in decisions about your services.
- Changing providers at any time.
- Complaining about your services.
- Connect to other resources.
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