Thank you for an EXTRAORDINARY Event
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Dr. Andrew Michael and Patricia Michael / Dr. Ludwig Michael
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Leo and Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation/ Beverly and Joe Goldman
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Linda and Dave Garner
Beverly and Cary Rossel
Alan M. Utay Family Foundation
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Katherine Albert
Fran and Mark Berg
Minnie and Keith Blackwell
Becca and Allen Bodzy
Ragen and Roy Elterman
Ricki and Gabe Shapiro
Waldman Bros
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- Carol and Steve Aaron
- Melissa and Baer Ackerman
- Ginette and David Albert
- Susan and Evan Bates
- Katherine Bauer
- Lisa Beckerman
- Brenda and Ron Bliss
- Donna and Mark Burdette
- Susie Carp/Dana Kleiman/ Beth Konig/ Carol Levy/ Jackie Sherman
- Elise and Robert Donosky
- Fran and David Eisenberg
- Ragen and Roy Elterman
- Jeanne and Tex Fagadau
- Anne and Alan Feld
- Lisa and David Genecov
- Lisa and Jeff Genecov
- Myra and Larry Gingold
- Barbara and Larry Glazer
- Lisa and Neil Goldberg
- Sherry and Ken Goldberg
- Lizzy and Jules Greif
- Marcy Helfand*
- Ynette and Jim Hogue
- Carole Ann and Jay Hoppenstein
- Gayle Johansen
- Betsy and Mark Kleinman*
- Judy and Jeff Kogutt*
- Florence and Larry Kramer
- Gail and Peter Loeb
- Emily Maduro and Joe Wielebinski
- Staci and Jeff Mankoff
- Weezie and Mark Margolis
- Tricia and Paul Michaelson
- The Milstein Families
- Carol and Stuart Morse
- Joan and Robert Pollock
- Myra and Stuart Prescott*
- Barbara and Stan Rabin
- Raelaine and Paul Radnitz
- Gerald L Ray and Associates LLC
- Ann Rosenberg
- Kerri Aikin and John Rosenberg
- The Rubin Family Foundation/ Julie and Jay Liberman
- Celia and Larry Schoenbrun*
- Marian and Jack Spitzberg
- Freda Gail Stern
- Texas Jewish Post
- Lois Wolf
- Lisa and Mark Zale
*Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
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