CHAI's Wish List
Your generosity allows CHAI to purchase much needed items to enhance the quality of life in our group homes and is very much appreciated by all the CHAI clients, residents and staff.
Please contact Patsy Goodman, Director of Development at 214-888-4909 if you are interested in helping cover the cost of a WISHLIST item.
Bauer House
- New refrigerator-$1000
- New laminate wood floors (2nd living room) - $800
- New living room furniture (2nd living room) -$1000
- Staff desk - $400
- New faux wood blinds for bedrooms (total 2 ) -$300
Levy House
- New dishwasher -$500
- New HVAC system-$8300
- New lighting throughout the home -$1000
- Kitchen cabinet resurfacing (both kitchen) -TBD
- New laminate wood floors – for bedrooms (total of 4) -$2500
- 1 new refrigerator -$1000
- New exercise bike -$800
- 2 New toilets on east & west side $1200
- New faux wood blinds for bedrooms (total 3) -$450
Miller House 1
- Staff desk - $400
- New refrigerator- $1000
Miller House 2
- Staff desk - $400
- New refrigerator -$1000
Todd House
- 2 new bedroom floors (guys side) - $1300
- New lighting throughout the home -$1000
- New upright freezer - $1000
- New refrigerator - $1000
- 2 new dryers (1 for north & south side) -$1100
- 2 new washers (1 for north & south side) - $1100
- New dining room table (south side) – $500
Toub House
- New refrigerator-$1000

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