Wolens Program Services
Provides support services for Community Homes for Adults, Inc. (CHAI) clients living in residential homes and assisted living. Wolens also provides support services for individuals living independently in the community or with their loved ones.
Specialty Services
Life Skills Training
Life Skills is the ability to cope with stresses and challenges of daily life, especially skills in communication and literacy, decision-making, occupational requirements, problem-solving, time management and planning.
Examples of skills Wolens Life Skills Trainers assist with:
- Activities of daily Living
- Grocery shopping
- Budget/Money management
- Laundry
- Social skills
- Medication management
- Time management
- Health & Wellness
Supported Employment
Supported employment is integrated competitive employment, or an individual working on a short-term basis in an employment setting towards employment. Below is a common list of supports offered to clients.
- Interview preparation skills
- Resume building
- Job search assistance
- Mock interviews
- On-the-job coaching
- Long-term job support
Club CHAI meets monthly for various outings including but not limited to: going out to eat, going to the movies, attending dance events, bowling and ice cream socials. Club CHAI provides an opportunity to meet new friends, maintain relationships, and enjoy quality of life. There is a $35 annual membership fee.
Some examples of socializing opportunities include:
- Dave & Busters
- Studio Movie Grill
- Spring Fling Dance
- Frisco Rough Riders
- Dallas Mavericks
- Holiday Party
CHAI Connects
CHAI Connects provides an opportunity for families to feel safe and share their obstacles and triumphs. It's a resource that provides support, education, mentorship and helps families navigate through the processes of state agency requirements. CHAI Connects is meant to build long term relationships with family members of CHAI residents/clients and potential residents/clients. CHAI Connects will have quarterly meetings that will include education and support. There is a $50.00 annual membership fee for each family to participate.
Kimberly Johnson, MSHS, Program Manager
11615 Forest Central Drive, Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75243
P. 214.888.4907 E. kjohnson@chaidallas.org
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